The Midwifery Model of Care is Better Care for You and for Baby
Continuity of Care:
Your caregiver is with you throughout the laboring process and does the delivery, newborn, and postpartum care as well. The midwifery model also encourages a birth team atmosphere where bonding is welcomed. The mother feels the care and concern from her team so that she can do her absolute best to birth her own baby into her own arms with her team right there the entire time.
Birth as a Normal Physiological Process:
The birth process is seen as a normal event–not a medical emergency—yet, if there is something to be concerned with, medical help will be suggested. Midwives are trained to offer positioning, massage, relaxation methods, essential oils, herbs, homeopathy, and nutrition to help the mom rock the natural birth process.
Respecting and Honoring the Mother:
There is a respect for the woman’s right of passage to birth naturally, and every effort is made to provide a peaceful and respectful environment for birth. The midwifery model promotes many ways to birth such as: birth pool, birth stool, positions of choice such as, upright, hands and knees, standing, semi sitting, and any other way the mother feels she should birth. The mother is empowered to have a choice in what she feels and how she sees herself birthing.
Preparing for Natural Childbirth:
Fear and doubt can be alleviated by understanding the birth process and accepting and embracing the unknown. Birth with the support of your husband (or other friend/relative/partner), doula, and other women who have had natural births can help to empower you. The birth team will encourage you to embrace the labor as a natural event that woman can do.
Preventive Treatment as Opposed to Curative:
The midwifery model of care is also a preventive mindset. The goal is to teach you how to take good care of your nutrition, and give supplement advice for any challenge arising during pregnancy. Many issues can be dealt with and controlled during pregnancy so that they don’t cause difficulty during labor or birth. The midwifery at home model also offers many strategies to remedy malpresentation (when baby is not in the right position) while recognizing that some presentations are merely variations of normal.